
How Does This Quote Show A Change In Scrooges Charcter

When we final left Ebenezer Scrooge, he had simply finished beingness visited by the first of three Christmas Spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Past. He fell into bed, wearied. At the beginning of Stave III, Scrooge awakes, ready for the visit of the next of the three Spirits. This company is the Ghost of Christmas Present, a giant being who exudes the extravagant joy of Christmas (picture Hagrid in a Santa Suit having just eaten way too many Christmas cookies). Though at first hesitant to wait at this Spirit, soon Scrooge shows how his centre has begun to change: "Spirit," said Scrooge submissively, "conduct me where you will. I went forth last dark on coercion, and I learnt a lesson which is working now. To-night, if you lot accept zip to teach me, allow me profit by it." ("The Ghost of Christmas Present" by John Leech from the start edition of A Christmas Carol.)


Like his older blood brother, the Ghost of Christmas Present shows Ebenezer Scrooge many scenes of Christmas. Hither Dickens is at his "Dickensiest" in lavish descriptions of food and festivity, all of which accentuate the joyfulness of Christmas. At first an observer of such delights, in time Scrooge begins to participate in the Christmas games as if he were really present in the celebrations. He does this most of all as he watches the Christmas party of his nephew, Fred, who, in spite of having been mistreated past his uncle the day before, still wishes Scrooge a Merry Christmas.

What has turned Scrooge into a human who delights in Christmas parties? His observation of genuine celebration leads, it seems, to an openhearted desire to become an enthusiastic celebrator. Dickens believes that festivity, especially of the pure-hearted multifariousness, is contagious.

The Impact of the Crachit Family unit

Still what touches Scrooge's center in Stave Iii isn't merely his looking upon numerous Christmas parties. One scene in particular has special impact upon his soul. Information technology comes as he observes the family of his clerk, Bob Cratchit. Though this family has little in the way of money, they grow in beloved and joy. The center of their passion is Tiny Tim, the Cratchit'south sickly picayune boy, who walked with a crutch and was supported by "an iron frame." This sweet male child may take a crippled torso, but his heart is bigger and stronger than most. He'due south the one, after all, who offers the generous wish: "God bless usa every one!"

Viewing Tiny Tim in his weakened state, Scrooge asks the Spirit "if Tiny Tim will alive."

"If these shadows remain unaltered by the Futurity," the Spirit responds, "the kid volition dice."

"No, no," said Scrooge. "Oh no, kind Spirit! say he volition be spared."

To which the Spirit quotes Scrooges ain words from Stave i: "If he be like to die, he had amend exercise it, and decrease the surplus population." Confronted in this fashion, "Scrooge hung his head to hear his own words quoted by the Spirit, and was overcome with penitence and grief."

Precisely at this point in the story, Bob Cratchit offers a toast to Mr. Scrooge, "the Founder of the Banquet." Fifty-fifty though his family is none as well happy to drink to Mr. Scrooge's health, they dutifully follow their father's lead. Thus compacted into a minute's worth of action, Scrooge feels compassion for Tiny Tim, learns that he will die unless something unexpected happens, is confronted by his erstwhile hard-heartedness, repents profoundly, and and so witnesses the extraordinary grace of his mistreated clerk, Bob Cratchit. Now that's a formula for personal transformation!

Dickens uses Tiny Tim, maybe more than any other character, to warm the icy center of Ebenezer Scrooge. This reflects Dickens's own experience of being touched past children, especially their suffering. I noted earlier in this series that the first sign of tenderness in Scrooge comes every bit he observes his own childhood loneliness. This prepares him to be compassionate with other children. Dickens once wrote to a friend, "Certainly there is zippo more than touching than the suffering of a kid, nothing more overwhelming" (Annotated Christmas Carol, p. 97).

The Strange Catastrophe of Stave Three

Dickens' conviction most the suffering of children no doubtfulness explains the baroque and unexpected conclusion to Stave III. As the Ghost of Christmas Present nears the stop of his mission to save Scrooge, he reveals two children hiding beneath his robe. They are "wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable." Who are these emaciated beings? "This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Desire." Their presence calls along pity from Scrooge, who asks, "Take they no refuge or resources?" Once more the spirit hurls Scrooge'due south own words back in his face: "Are in that location no prisons? Are there no workhouses?" And with this, the Ghost of Christmas Past disappears forth with his pitiful children.

So what in Stave Three contributes to the transformation of Scrooge's heart? I'll answer this question in my next post and add some theological reflections.

How Does This Quote Show A Change In Scrooges Charcter,


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